Legal Resources Foundation

Justice for all...

About Us

Who We Are

Welcome to the Legal Resources Foundation! We are a non-governmental organization registered as a limited company by guarantee in Zambia, established in 1991 during the advent of multi-party politics. Our primary mission is to promote a sustainable human rights culture throughout Zambia by empowering people through civic education, promoting good governance, and providing legal aid to the vulnerable. We envision a Zambia where social justice and a sustainable human rights culture are attainable through litigation in the public interest.

At LRF, we strive to achieve our objectives through various programs such as legal aid and advice, radio programs, prisons projects, newsletter publications, outreach programs, networking and collaboration, and policy reforms. We work with human rights activists, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the government, and international governmental organizations such as the United Nations to promote and create a human rights culture in Zambia.

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Our Objectives

The following are the objectives of the Foundation:

a. To define, promote and create a human rights culture in Zambia

b. To campaign for recognition, respect and protection of human rights and other related values necessary for the creation and sustenance of an enduring democracy

c. To carry out educational programmes and other activities aimed at promoting people’s awareness of their fundamental human rights and other rights necessary for the sustenance of civil society; and to encourage citizens to claim these rights

d. To endeavour to find common ground with and to work alongside other Zambian and international groups, organisations, activists and persons who share broadly a similar concern for and interest in human rights

e. To lobby government to take practical steps to adopt international human rights standards and norms

f. To work towards the evolution of a jurisprudence of human rights case law through providing free legal representation to persons whose rights are violated

g. To campaign for law reform and transformation of institutions.

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